This item: Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio 30 Day Free Trial Download by Sony Windows 8 / 10 / 7, Windows Available now. Tools design and programming (assets management and implementation). My review for Sony's popular pro level audio editor (now on Mac), Sony Sound Forge Pro for Mac 2.Sound Forge Includes iZotope plugins.Version: 2.5.0Price: 1. Multimedia tools downloads Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio by Sony and many more programs are available for instant and free download. No other details have been revealed on the teaser though that should change in the near future as there are slots for 8 more videos which will surely be filled in the near future with more hints and teases. Recordings with Neumann U67, AKG C414 pluged into SPL Goldmike, editing with Sony Vegas 10 and Sony Sound Forge 10. The video which clearly focuses on music and audio recording teases its editing capabilities are “R einvented for the Mac” with a software that has been “ Rethought.

Thanks to MacRumors, we’ve learned that new site called has gone live which consist of a single teaser video which can be seen bellow, titled “Countdown to a revolution.” SOUND FORGE Audio Studio 12 allows you to play and edit audio files recorded with your linear PCM recorder, imported from an audio CD, downloaded from a website or copied from your computer. While many might not be aware of Sony’s software prowess, the company is responsible for some excellent consumer video and editing software which includes Vegas suite, designed for video editing with native 3D support and Acid, their advanced audio creator tool and Sound Forge.